<bgsound src="http://h1.ripway.com/dannysgl/BalladformyOneTrueLove.mp3" loop=true>

Sunday, October 30, 2005

DJ Dan

I have always think being a radio DJ is such a well paid and "joh boh" job. All they do is talk cock, play songs, rest their fat butt (I heard that if you sit too much, you gonna have a fat ass!!..ooooo....i'm petrified!!) on that leather chair which they can row about so as to press those fancy buttons on the panels. And you know what is the best part?

They are on air for only 3 freaking hours MAX!!!!

Yea....Yea...I'm sure DJs will retaliate by saying stuffs like, "HEY!!We have got to do research, prepare stuffs and effects for our programmes, alright??!!It's not mere 3 hours! Even It is....you must have the ability to entertain and speaks like us yah!!Can You??

Therefore in order to prove to them i can do just as good as them. I decided to be a DJ for a day. Of course....It will be only in my own blog, that is.

DJ Dan: Helllooooooooooooo every losers out there!!!I am your DJ of the day, and now you are listening to Class 9.....Sorry. Oh F&^K!!(censored)*DOOOOOOOOUUUD* .And now you are listening to CRAP 92.3482819 FM. Stay tuned!!

DJ Dan on playing his very first song on radio...........................................................................

DJ Dan: Coming up next is a song that you people are so familiar with. It's "You're Beautiful by James Blunt" I hope you guys can pay special attention to the chorus of the song because it is simply amazing. It really express my thoughts and feelings to this girl whom i really care......haaaaahhh...OK!! So without furthur a due, let's indulge and be mesmorize!! Enjoy yah....

Music playing....................................
*OOPS!! I did it again!!! I play with your heart...got lost in the game!!Oh baby, baby.....

DJ Dan: oh F*&K!!(censored)*DOOOOOOOOUUD*

DJ Dan on Co- hosting with Jamie Yeo and Glenn Ong...........................................

DJ Dan: Hi People!!!! Today we will have 2 special guests with us who you guys know very well. Lets welcome the ever sexy, pretty, lavishing, stunning and smashing Jamie Yeo!!!!WOW!!!!!YEAH!!!!WEE!!!! oh.....and Gwenn Ong too.

DJ Dan: Wow...this is the 1st time we are doing a 'threesome' on radio! We are defintely gonna bring the house down!!What do ya think guys?

Jamie: Hell Yea!!!!We are so gonna rock the house down!! *giggles*

Glenn: Well...i guess we could........*interrupted*

DJ Dan: OOOOOKKKKK....I feel you, dude!!! ....Lets move on, shall we?

Jamie: Hey...what you guys think of our new station, CRAP 92.3482819 FM?

DJ Dan: I have to say this is the coolest station ever!! It brings out so much vibe and energy in it which makes me wanna eject out from my seat anytime!!

Glenn: Hmm...It's great but if only they can do away with some of the decimals and..........*interrupted*

DJ Dan: Alritez!!!!! That brings us to the end of our show!! Thank you Jamie!! for spending so much of your time with us!! Certainly hope to see you again real soon!!oohh....And to you too, Gwenn.....or Guenn...whatever....

DJ Dan on his 1st caller's dedication...................................

DJ Dan: So who wanna give a shoutout to?

Ah Beng: huh??shout wat??i toking nicely to you ok!!knn (censored) *DOOOUUD*

DJ Dan: Ok....who you wanna DE....DI....KATE....the next song too?

Ah Beng: EH!! You trying to be funny right??!! You think i don't know what is dedicate!!! Mother F&*ker!!!(censored)*DOOUUD*

DJ Dan: alright!! Thatt's enough!!You think you *DOOOOUUUD* clever right!!!! You DOOOUUUD* hole!!!*DOOOOUUUD* out of you!!! You BLOODY *DOOOUUD**DOOOUUD*

DJ Dan on "Guess Who" Trivial Game....................................................

DJ Dan: Ok.....For $2000, who is our current Prime Minister?

Carol: I know!!! It's LEE SIEN LOONG!!

DJ Dan: *DEHHHH* Sorry, It's LEE HSIEN LOONG. You have to pronounce with the 'H'. Next question, for $2500, Who do you call David Beckham's WIfe?

Carol: Ermmm..Is it Victoria Adams?

DJ Dan: *DEH* sorry, you call Beckham's wife....Mrs Beckham. Anyway thanks for calling and wasting my time!! Therefore, we will snowball the prize $.............................

DJ Dan on phone interview with Brad Pitt.................................................

DJ Dan: Hey man!! So tell me more on your next movie?

Brad: Yea, my next movie is called Ocean 13, basically it's da same as Ocean 11 and 12...Don't know why the F&*K *DOOOUUUD* they are doing it again.

DJ Dan: haha...agreed totally!! Anyway all your movies suck!! Let's talk about your relationship with angelina?

Brad: Yea, I love her so much...everyday, we will like.....*interrupted*

DJ Dan: Her boobs real?

Brad: Ermm...I'm not sure. How exactly do you find out.........?

DJ Dan: Nevermind, how do you fare your chance in this year's Best Actor in the Grammy's?

Brad: I have to say it is a close fight between........(interrupted)

DJ Dan:Like i care.............! (hung up phone) Well people, that was the exclusive interview with Brad Pitt himself. I hope you guys enjoyed as much as i do..coz i surely did!! Till next time, this has been Dan e Man!!!TATA.....

Ok folks, as usual, i crapped too much!! Sam says i sucks in blogging coz i am so lame!!hahahah...nice one sam!!

Actually, i just wanna show my appreciation to all DJ's such as Power 98, Class 95 and Perfect 10 who have been keeping me company for most part of my life.C'mon...seriously, they are underrated!!!They deserve more credit!!!!

A big THANK YOU to you all!!! *Oh yah!!btw..can you pick up my call so i can join Subaru Challenge???*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting blog you have here... I think I'll add you to my favorites. With your permission I'll be coming back. I'll also tell a couple friends of mine because they'd like this...

great job making this blog (good design!), keep up the good work!

~ have a nice day.
check out my blog or my how to kiss site if you want.

6:26 AM


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